A unique mental fitness program developing self-awareness, self-management, and new habits for life.

Inspired by Seligman’s PERMA model, Goleman’s theory on the benefits of increased emotional intelligence, and Luthan’s concept of psychap (hero), it explores ways to cultivate multidimensional well-being to reach optimal functioning at work and in life.


Online 10 hours Self-paced learning Via mobile or web app


Establishing a solid base through self-education on mental health and performance, fostering increased self-awareness.


Start level 1 for free

Skillfully apply self-management and social awareness techniques to navigate personal and professional landscapes.

49€ per participant

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Achieve excellence by incorporating positive social influence, adopting new habits and embracing comprehensive self-care.

49€ per participant

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Exemplifying excellence in all areas of life, Serving as a catalyst for positive change and embodying the Thrive to Perform principles..

49€ per participant

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99€ instead of 147€

Buy the 4 modules for €99 instead of €147

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Live conferences:

  1. Mental Health
  2. Purpose & Priorities
  3. Preferred behaviours
  4. Hero
  5. Life model
  6. Emotional goal setting 
  7. Fake it until you (DON'T) make it ANYMORE)
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Coaching :

  • Eye-opening single session

Prix : 500€

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  • Game-changing 3 sessions.

Price: 1500€

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  • Life-changing 6 sessions.

Price : 3000€

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Where well-being meets peak performance. Our consulting services redefine success by emphasizing enduring meaning and optimal performance.

"Thrive from Scratch"

We sculpt your unique well-being and peak performance journey, ensuring a holistic approach to thriving aligned with your organizational values and vision.

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"Thrive Wizard audit"

If you have an existing program, our experts conduct an audit, providing personalized recommendations for success, enhancing employee well-being and performance.

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Thrive Vital Boost 

Your passport to a boosted experience. Infuse multi-dimensional well-being and mental fitness to optimize performance, foster resilience, and elevate your program to resonate with your organizational values.

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Positive Performances:

A Leadership Development Venture.

Beyond Thrive to Perform, Positive Performances offers keynotes, conferences, higher education teaching, executive training, coaching, and mentoring.

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